
– Oh yes, it’s called Anaïs, isn’t it?
– That’s right. Well, they offered Salim the chance to take part in a catering workshop, where he’s learning to cook and serve food. They serve up almost 300 meals a day!

– That’s fantastic, if he can learn how to do a real job!
– There’s no doubt about it, it’s a real job! They are teaching him all sorts of very specific tasks, like cutting vegetables all the same size, crushing tomatoes… Salim loves it because it’s so meticulous. He feels like he’s becoming an expert. In addition, it takes place in a brand new site that has just been renovated with the support of BYMARO: new kitchen equipment, clean rooms, new mechanical and electrical installations.
Fatima’s dark eyes are shining with happiness and wonder.
She goes on:
– I still can’t believe it… you should see how pleased and proud of himself he is! –
And you must be relieved, my dear Fatima!
– Yes, I have to admit that, for the first time, I feel a little less scared about the future.
– I understand perfectly. Can you see a difference in him?
– Oh yes! He feels useful. I’ve rarely seen him so content. And he even wants to cook for us at home. He has decided to make an olive tajine for us. That’s why I’m here!

Zora can’t remember ever seeing her friend so relaxed. She seems to have been transformed and even almost forgets to pay the market stall holder, who is starting to get impatient and prompts her.
– Fatima, I’m so happy for you. How about we enjoy a little treat together after you finish your shopping?

The Habous district is home to one of the best pastry-makers in Casablanca. Fatima lets herself be tempted for once. She pays for her olives and follows Zora through the narrow alleyways steeped in the vibrant atmosphere of the souk. Life really has taken on a new flavour…

Facts & figures

Social cohesion & solidarity

  • Renovation of the association’s building and financial sponsorship
  • 48 trainees (18 to 42 years old)
  • Recipient
    Anaïs School
  • Partner
    Terre Plurielle (Bouygues Construction’s corporate foundation)

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