
We set up our dedicated HQ to coordinate the transport of foodstuffs and emergency supplies between Miami and the Bahamas and create a genuine “humanitarian bridge”.

We made contact with all our employees in the Bahamas to get an exact idea of their individual circumstances: married or single, number of children, age, clothing size, etc. That allowed us to put together a big folder, containing the exact needs of each employee’s family.

People could either donate effects they already had or buy them. A minority of people preferred to give money. Some people wanted to do even more by symbolically adopting a family or some members of a family. This made it easier as everyone had their own “shopping list”. We told them what the family in question required and we were on hand to offer advice.

We also appealed to our suppliers for help. To transport large parcels (a logistical challenge), we decided to use our contacts at Ocean Cay, where we make weekly equipment deliveries. The shipping company was happy for us to use them to transport our consignments. Each family received a food parcel and a clothes parcel, with every box identical in type to ensure fairness.

  • We spent 4 weeks on this operation – 60 people in Miami – working in shifts, including weekends. We even drew up a roster. We requisitioned the meeting room to sort donations and make sure the parcels matched the lists.
  • Our employees in Miami collected all the articles we needed. They were asked to either donate or buy items from the list we had drawn up, including clothing and food as well as cleaning products and toiletries.
  • We consulted official sites to find what victims of natural disasters needed
  • Toiletries and personal hygiene products aren’t necessarily the first things that come to mind when someone has lost everything yet they are essential…
  • 95% of employees contributed. A kind heart doesn’t stop you being efficient!

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